Join the trenches!
Because of people like you, during a time like this, our world will emerge better than ever.
We are at capacity! Please join our Waitlist!
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This is a volunteer-based service for our fellow humans and heroes on the front lines of the healthcare workforce. We are seeking seasoned coaches with 7+ years of coaching or relevant experience in the fields of leadership development, positive psychology, and mental well-being. You will be featured on The Hero Hotline-related web presences and any other communications (unless otherwise requested to be left off of public information.)

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The Hero Hotline was created during this unique moment in human history. Sponsored by Priizm, WOOPAAH and a corp of professional volunteers, our team represents experts in targeted specialties such as Positive Psychology, Leadership Training & Executive Coaching, Peak Performance, Well-being, and Behavior Design, to name a few.

100% Confidential. 100% Free.
